about the artist

Adam Bunch

Base of Operations: Southern Oregon

“Have fun with it.” - this phrase is my personal mantra whenever I’m feeling creatively blocked - and it works ninety-nine percent of the time.

As a professional freelance illustrator and character designer, I’ve drawn just about everything you can think of (even things I’ve never thought of drawing before). I have learned that what can initially seem very scary and daunting, can also be exciting and dare I say, even fun.

Born with an overactive imagination, my mind absorbed characters, creatures and monsters from the films and tv shows of my youth rather than “trivialities” such as complex mathematics.

I continue to feed that imagination and put it to work professionally, drawing everything from storyboards for commercials, creature designs, book cover illustrations, and art for tabletop games. I have also applied my love of visual storytelling as an illustrator at Ravensburger.